Tenkman, Scott

I graduated with from the University of Cincinnati in 1996 and I’ve been working in Information Technology for the past ten years, first as a consultant who traveled around the country writing and teaching computer software classes, and the past few years as a Senior Analyst with Corning, Inc. My passion has always been writing, so after I turned 30 I vowed to return to my passion, and by the time I hit 31 I had completed my first novel Desperate House Dad. I originally self-published Desperate House Dad, but the response was so overwhelming, and the reviews so great, that I sent it to my fantastic publisher Wings ePress, Inc., and signed a deal immediately.

I’m also married to my beautiful wife Shannon and I have three little boys, ages 6, 4, and 10 months. They are my true inspiration, so I’ve dedicated Desperate House Dad to them because of the endless material they give me!