Dr. Max Landon, the esteemed chair of medicine at a prestigious academic facility, embarks upon a controversial campaign against the Medical-Industrial Complex, an organization secretly bankrolled by hostile countries and committed to manipulating the healthcare industry to produce obscene profits.
Max finds himself working alongside a veteran Mossad agent, Yehudah Ben Zion. Both have grandfathers who miraculously survived the crematoria at Auschwitz.
Max and Yehudah are brought together by circumstance. Fulfilling a promise many decades in the making, Yehudah will be one of the only people Max can trust as he fights to reveal the MIC threat even as his own government tries to hunt him down amidst a false flag operation. Like their grandfathers before them, the two men live by the teachings of the Talmud: “If you save one life…you save the world.”